Are You Willing to Abandon Your Sacred Cows at Any Age? Leaving the Jehovah’s Witness Cult and Your Own Family at 38.

It’s often the case that we assume any major revelations and paradigms shifts must happen very early in life before our mindsets solidify. Jonathan Lockwood, a world-renowned voiceover artist and lover of premium Mexican mescal, was raised a Jehovah’s Witness. Despite being a reasonably intelligent man, he even became a cult elder at age 29. For some reason, at age 38 he decided it was all kind of bullshit and weaned himself away from the only social structure he had ever known. With the exception of his 17-year-old daughter, he was excommunicated from his entire family and most of his friends.

Now at age 50, he feels mentally youthful and ready to question every remaining foundational belief in his own mind. Join our uncomfortable conversation, as we delve into the origins of cognitive dissonance and why people will defend pre-existing beliefs to the death before ever questioning why they think the way they do. Jon will also share his personal experiences with ayahuasca and other plant-based psychedelics, including how they have helped open his mind to new ways of thinking about things even relatively late in life. What unconscious beliefs lie at the base of your worldview? What would it take for you to completely reevaluate your life at any age?

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