It’s summertime 2023, and just like you and your family are taking some holiday time off to travel, lay by the pool or hangout at the beach, we’ve decided to give our team a short Summer Break for the next few weeks too. But since we know you’re still listening, we thought we’d re-share three terrific episodes in July, on the 3 hottest topics which Rob gets asked about most often in our work at GrowthHax. Storytelling, Venture Capital and Mental Health & Wellness.

Today, we start with the “Storytelling,” critical topic for anyone in today’s modern world, as taught to us by Yogi Roth, an Award winning Film Maker, Author and Sports Television commentator in USA, which originally aired in Episode 26, on January 24, 2022. So sit back, open a cold drink, put on that sunscreen and enjoy a masterclass refresher in storytelling.

In this episode, Rob and Ileana welcome a great, long time friend of Rob's, Yogi Roth, from right here in Los Angeles. Yogi is an accomplished professional storyteller, across multiple mediums including his primary work as the Analyst, for American college football, at the Pac 12 networks.

Ileana, Rob and Yogi talk about how critically important effective storytelling is to every entrepreneur and their company and their customers/audience. Yogi highlights that no matter how overused the word "storytelling" may seem in popular culture, it is a required skill in today's content heavy world. He drops some incredible wisdom through his specific coaching on "how to" and "why" as well as his 3 pieces of mentor advice, but he also wows us with some of his own life stories. Just listening to how he communicates on this episode will be an enduring masterclass for anyone who is trying to craft "their story".

Yogi was an American college football player at the University of Pittsburgh, then championship coach at University of Southern California, before embarking on his film/television/writing and media careers. He is an award winning Independent Film Maker (Life in a Walk/link below), NY Times best selling author, and regular television creator/producer, with a new Film releasing in 2022. He's an avid surfer, Yoga practitioner and is a loving husband and dad to his wife Amy and their two boys, here in Los Angeles.

Feel free to follow and engage with YOGI here:

Website: ⁠⁠

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Facebook: ⁠⁠

Other links: ⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠

We're so grateful to you, our growing audience of entrepreneurs, investors, builders, influencers and those interested in the entrepreneurial economies of Latin America and the under-represented entrepreneurial communities in the USA!

Plug in, relax and enjoy some Spanish, English and a fun dose of spanglish as always. We're here to help inspire, educate and empower you, so that you can build the future!

¡Salud y gracias!,

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