Who doesn't love vacation photography, especially when you go "old school" like the Shutter Brothers, Kelley and Kevin Lane. Kelley talks about his success with Kodak's new Ektachrome E100 super 8 movie film, which was a lot of fun to do and even more fun to watch, especially when projected on a screen. Watching his movie is like going back in time - except that it happened just a month ago. The film and processing/scanning are a bit on the expensive side, but the experience is totally cool!

Meanwhile, Kevin talks about the fun he has been having shooting slide film on vacation and the even more fun he has been having developing, mounting, and projecting the slides. With a slide mounter, a supply of empty slides, and a working slide projector, you can make vacation slide shows come alive on the big screen.

The Shutter Bros wrap the show up with a great listener letter and a question about shooting in areas of high humidity.

Check out the show notes at https://unclejonesyscameras.blogspot.com
