Raised in Southern California, Kidd knew from a very young age that he was going to be a creative. When he was 3 / 4 his grandfather gave him the opportunity to play with his camera, so by the time he was 5 / 6 his career field was pretty much set.Today, Kidd is part-time DJ, part-time photographer, part-time model and hopes to add videography and storytelling to his reportaire. Kidd is hoping to build a community behind the creation of art. Ultimately, Kidd's goal is to give queer people of color a space to express themselves and to bring their own ideas to the forefront. If you live in San Francisco, make sure to catch him on the ones-and-twos at Q Bar.Learn about Kidd's motives, creative process and so much more on this week’s episode of Uncensored Visionary: A LGBTQ Podcast.

Follow Kidd on Instagram.