Debt Free Guys' Story:

We’re David and John, husbands living our fabulous life. We help other gay men like you who also want to live an amazing life without sacrificing your financial security. With this website, our Queer Money™ podcast, tools and resources, we help you live fabulously, not fabulously broke.

We were sitting on the dining room floor or our cold, dark basement apartment wondering why we weren’t as successful as we wanted. We just admitted that between us we had $51,000 of credit card debt. We were living naively and unconsciously and doing it all on credit.

After spending the weekend in the mountains and looking at property to build a vacation home, we realized we could barely afford to spend a weekend there, let alone buy land and build a vacation home.

How could we have a vacation home when we didn't even own a home?

We realized that for the past few years, we were spending beyond our means to make ourselves feel better, in part, to make up for being bullied and picked on for being gay when we were younger.

Even though we eventually found our community, we had limiting beliefs and thought we had to prove ourselves worthy to them. So, we spent and lived like the A-List gays. They had new clothes. We had new clothes. They had new phones. We had new phones. They went on amazing vacations. We went on amazing vacations.

Then, that night sitting on the floor of that gloomy apartment, we hit rock bottom. We were two financial services professionals making good money and bad decisions.

We were the gay cliché of living fabulous but being fabulously broke.

Hear David and John's story in this week's episode of Uncensored Visionary: A LGBTQ Podcast.

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