Abba is the CMO at the FinTech start up Habito, the fastest growing online mortgage broker in the UK. Prior to Habito, Abba worked as director of strategy at News UK, pioneering the moves towards digital content and as a planner at agencies UM and Carat.

What we covered in this episode:

Begging Dan the founder for a new jobHow Habito are disrupting the Mortgage marketThe power of anger and frustration to fuel businessConvincing Uncommon to be a founding clientTaking inspiration from Skateboard art and Santa CruzHow to make mortgages ‘gnarly’Switching off advertising due to too much demandHow to measure the impact of your campaignWhy Habito went straight to TV as a channelHow mortgages can ruin your sex lifeProducing the mortgage Karma SutraWriting an erotic novel about mortgagesWhy Habito sponsored the gnarly world of Skateboarding UKWhat it takes to train for an IronmanBusiness lessons from IronmanThe generosity of the UK Fintech sceneAbba’s top advice for getting into TechHow to create ‘strategic serendipity’

Where to go for a 7 x salary mortgage