The election is over and a decision has been made. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are who the people have elected to lead this country for the next 4 years. Unfortunately, down ballot races in the Senate and House of Representatives.  In order to talk about what Democrats can and should do moving forward, I talked to Isaac Wright, a veteran communications strategist. 

 Isaac Wright, a political and public affairs consultant at FSSG and co-founder of the Rural Voter Institute. Specializing in strategic communications, Isaac Wright has spent nearly two decades as a communications operative and strategist in campaigns and public affairs. He has appeared as a political commentator on Fox News Channel, CNN, POTUS Radio, Sky News, and other national and local programs.

Guest Contact Information: 
Twitter: @Izac_Wright
FSSG Website:
Rural Voter Institute: www.ruralvoterinstitute