Andrew Yang is running for President of the United States in 2020. He is also an entrepreneur and the founder of Venture for America.

Venture for America’s mission is "to revitalize American cities and communities through entrepreneurship" by training recent graduates and young professionals to work for startups in emerging cities throughout the United States.

Learn Andrew’s story and what led him to run for president. We also discuss Andrew’s vision for the country and why he wants to introduce a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for all adults in the US.

It’s rare you get a candid interview with a Presidential Candidate and get a real glimpse of them as a person. Andrew is not a career politician, and you will gain a real understanding of why he is running for office.

You can find Andrew at:

Book: The War on Normal People

Venture for America:

Twitter: @AndrewYangVFA

Instagram: andrewyangvfa


Free Career Breakthrough Session with Sean:

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