Caitlyn's life could have been shattered when she learned that her father, brother, and then the man she was thinking of marrying all struggled with addictions to pornography. However, steadfast in her faith in God and supported by therapy, she chose to view her loved ones independently of their addictions and to love them unconditionally. She dove into a life seasoned by recovery and hasn't looked back. 

Doing hard things is a defining aspect of Corbin's life. Summoning immense courage, he chose to disclose his addiction to Caitlyn while they were dating and then bravely faced her family. His unwavering commitment to recovery, marked by the promise to "never give up," stands as a testament to this defining trait.

Their relationship faced its toughest test in the initial six months of marriage, marked by slip-ups, avoidance, and feelings of abandonment. Together, they share how God has seen them and their 'secret sauce' for fighting for each other's hearts. Their favorite song reflects their story: "I come just as I am to you, and I know when I need grace, you give it wholehearted."

Do you have a story you are willing to share?  Email our Podcast Executive Director Jeremy at [email protected]