My name is Hunter and this is my story. From the outside, my life seemed to be on a perfect track for success and happiness. I grew up with two parents in a loving and loyal family. I was a talented young man who especially did well in school. All of the adults around me felt that I had a bright future ahead of me in basically any career that I could want. My peers all saw me as simply another kid who was goofy and got good grades. But on the inside, I had a pain that I couldn't even fully admit to myself.

Eventually I could no longer avoid the pain, and I found myself in the world of addiction recovery. After years of brutal self-honesty and therapy, I discovered that my relationship with my father largely shaped my view of myself. I had learned to push myself to become better using shame and unreasonable expectations: the way that my father had done with me. This shame-rooted relationship with my father then formed a lens that caused me to see God as a God of expectation. A God I couldn’t approach without feeling shame. 

Listen to my story to hear how I began to shed this lens and also see myself in a light of grace and self-worth.

If this episode resonates with you, or if you know someone who needs a reminder of God’s open arms, please share the link to this episode with them. At Unashamed Unafraid, we are here to spread the words of hope and healing through Jesus Christ. Subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @UnashamedUnafraid.

Do you have a story you are willing to share?  Email our Podcast Executive Director Jeremy at [email protected]