Next Episode: Ep 82: Eric's Story

Madi was 13 when she first encountered pornography. As a young Christian woman, she struggled to find resources online to help young women overcome addiction as most resources were for women who discovered their husband’s addiction and for men struggling with addiction. Feeling isolated and alone living a dual life, she finally got up the nerve to disclose what was going on to her father and local church leader. Madi reminds us that we are seen. That God loves us. That the battle is real, and we are enough when we are connected to God and others. 

Click here for the text from Madi's dad: There is Only War 

If this episode resonates with you, or if you know someone who needs a reminder of God’s open arms, please share the link to this episode with them. At Unashamed Unafraid, we are here to spread the words of hope and healing through Jesus Christ. Subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @UnashamedUnafraid.

Do you have a story you are willing to share?  Email our Podcast Executive Director Jeremy at [email protected]

Madi’s Podcast

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