Choosing to Live in Expectancy

Join us as Steve and James sit down with Magic Marc once again, along with Marc’s special guest Kayla (Steve’s wife), to explore the topics of living with expectations versus living in expectancy. 

Marc explains that living with expectations means we have a tight attachment to end results.  Those expectations are actually just premeditated resentments. 

Often we place the highest expectations on ourselves. This can cause us to feel shame when we aren’t able to meet those expectations. 

So, when you are trying to avoid carrying around unresolved resentments, how do you live without expectations?  Marc’s solution is to live in expectancy.  

What does living in expectancy mean? Living in expectancy helps us to have a looser grip on life. It allows room for God, creativity, and breathing. Expectancy allows the space and grace for imperfections and curiosity. It also allows for the spontaneity of the moment to arise. 

Steve, Kayla, and James share their personal experiences of where they have set expectations.  Marc helps them explore what living in expectancy can mean for them and as you listen you are invited to find where you can live in expectancy too.  

To learn more about Marc Pimbsler visit his website at or tune into his podcast The Magic Well.  

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