It took Steev and Nick thirteen months to record their first podcast after deciding they would make one together. Twenty episodes of Unanswered later they get around to tackling procrastination as a topic. They are well suited to discuss it.

Is procrastination a manifestation of boredom, distractibility or fear? What are the barriers procrastinators build for themselves to avoid doing the things which really matter? Can displacement activities themselves be productive? Steev and Nick ask a lot of questions of themselves in our most personal episode so far. Continue reading →

It took Steev and Nick thirteen months to record their first podcast after deciding they would make one together. Twenty episodes of Unanswered later they get around to tackling procrastination as a topic. They are well suited to discuss it.

Is procrastination a manifestation of boredom, distractibility or fear? What are the barriers procrastinators build for themselves to avoid doing the things which really matter? Can displacement activities themselves be productive? Steev and Nick ask a lot of questions of themselves in our most personal episode so far.

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Show Notes

According to Wikipedia: Procrastination
According to Wikipedia: Tomb Raider 2013 (video game)
YouTube: Tomb Raider official trailer ↓

Loadout (video game)
YouTube: Loadout official game trailer ↓
NaNoWriMo—otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month
YouTube: Stewie on Brian’s novel (Family Guy) ↓

According to Wikipedia: Bill Sienkiewicz
According to Wikipedia: Walt Simonson
Back to Work—the podcast from Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin
Merlin Mann
Dan Benjamin
Amazon: “What’s Stopping You?” by Robert Kelsey
Amazon: “The Creative Habit” by Twyla Tharpe
MOMBcast—the podcast from
Thought Bubble comic art festival
DailyMotion: Spaced—Brian, painter, loser
Lem, maker of Bunny Comic
Andrew Tunney, make of Girl & Boy
According to Wikipedia: Jonathan Coulton
Jonathan Coulton
Jonathan Coulton’s Thing A Week
Jonathan Mann
Jonathan Mann’s “Song A Day” YouTube channel
Amazon: “High Fidelity” by Nick Hornby
IMDB: High Fidelity (2000)
YouTube: High Fidelity (2000) trailer ↓

Further material

“Why Procrastinators Procrastinate” from Wait But Why; October 2013
“How to Beat Procrastination” from Wait But Why; November 2013


Recorded: 12 February 2014
Running time: 1:07’24
Bad language: Yes [4x f*ck; 5x sh*t]
Aural erratum: It was Jonathan Mann who records a song a day; Jonathan Coulton did a “Thing A Week” for a year.
Feature image source: page