Nick recalls his first experience flying on a small aeroplane, noting it can be quite different from long-haul journeys on much larger jets. This kicks off a conversation about the fear of flying or, more to the point, the myriad fears and issues captured within.

In addition we discuss dreams, other tales of disaster, and we entirely resist the issue of airline food. Continue reading →

Nick recalls his first experience flying on a small aeroplane, noting it can be quite different from long-haul journeys on much larger jets. This kicks off a conversation about the fear of flying or, more to the point, the myriad fears and issues captured within.

In addition we discuss dreams, other tales of disaster, and we entirely resist the issue of airline food.

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Show Notes

According to Wikipedia: Fear of flying
According to Wikipedia: Flight
According to Wikipedia: Air Safety
According to Wikipedia: List of phobias
“Why fear of flying is just plane stupid” by Tim Walker, The Independent; Tues 11 August 2009
Do You Remember?: Spokey Dokeys
YouTube: Trailer for Channel 4 documentary The Plane Crash ↓

The Plane Crash website
IMDB: The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
IMDB: Airport (1970)
YouTube: Theatrical trailer for Airport (1970) ↓

IMDB: Threads (1984, BBC TV feature)
YouTube: From the Fear episode of How TV Ruined Your Life, Charlie Brooker talks about Threads [at 10:59] ↓


Recorded: 24 October 2012
Bad language: Yes [3x f*ck; 1x sh*t; 1x bullsh*t]
Aural errata: “airport meal” where “airline meal” was intended
Feature image source: page