Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 3: Stephen King : Sparkles : Quantum Leap (Time Travel) In this episode you’ll learn why our Facebook group’s logo/icon/avatar (seriously, what do you call those things?) is the horse, and are let in on one of our favorite inside jokes to date. (Which is saying something, because we’ve got almost 20 … Continue reading Episode 3: Stephen King : Sparkles : Quantum Leap (Time Travel)

Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 3: Stephen King : Sparkles : Quantum Leap (Time Travel)

In this episode you’ll learn why our Facebook group’s logo/icon/avatar (seriously, what do you call those things?) is the horse, and are let in on one of our favorite inside jokes to date. (Which is saying something, because we’ve got almost 20 years’ [holy cats that’s a lot of years] worth of inside jokes.) We also talk about time travel and stuff.

Special thanks to Jamie Chahine for the use of our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was a Ladder Down Here?”