Episode #2 - In conversation with Mia Jerritt, an accredited life coach residing on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Mia brings 30 years of experience in health and fitness and entrepreneurship to her coaching skills. Mia is an author, a long time Medical Exercise Specialist and Personal Trainer, an Adaptive Holistic Nutritionist, a philanthropist, and a much sought-after public speaker.

I’ve known Mia many years dating back to the early to mid-90s. Mia in fact was my teacher trainer training me to be a personal fitness trainer. I owe a lot of my spunk and vitality in leading my fitness and yoga classes to the enthusiasm that Mia is well known for in her profession. As she says, she hands out a hefty dose of humour and play. Now, don’t get me wrong, this gal demonstrates and stands for integrity, flexibility, consistency, and, above all else, fearlessness.

In this episode the following awesome books are noted. Pick up your copy today:
Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners, Jack Hawley
Leading with Soul, Lee G. Bohman & Terrence E. Deal;
Reawakening The Spirits in Work: The Power of Dharmic Management, Jack Hawley;
Conversations with God – Neal Donald Walsch;
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin Sharma; and
Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relic.

Visit Mary Lee, your host at MGG Communications Inc.