We live in an era of massive disruption and exponential change. Every sector of business and all markets are impacted by the fast past of digitization’s, Mobilizations, artificial intelligence, and technology. Along with this, we also face increased competition with customers demanding more value and customizations to meet their needs.

Jeremy Blain shares his knowledge and insight on how leaders need to be preparing to not only survive but to thrive in the era of disruption!

Check out Jeremy's research on Transforming Your Company into a Digital-Driven Business - Digital transformation is leveling the competitive playfield and most leaders are not ready. https://www.performanceworks.global/blog/news/performanceworks-international-has-received-the-2019-award-for-excellence-in-digital-transformation-consulting-by-ai/

Ultra executives, the podcast that powers up inspired business leaders with the knowledge and know how to lead the ultra path to self and team development with your host, Paul Marks. Join the ultra executive community today sponsored by change works, developing high performance leaders in teams, www.changeworksltd.co.th, The ultra executives podcast listeners. This is your host Paul Marks. Ultra executives has been created to help business leaders get results and enhance professional performance while maintaining a balanced healthy lifestyle

Being an ultra executive is not just about getting results in the workplace, it's about getting results in every area and aspect of your life. On my podcast, I interview business leaders, experts and specialists on topics around leadership, high performance, health, and designing a balanced life. Ultra executive podcast is about bringing value to you, our listeners. So if there are any topics or areas of interest that you'd like us to talk about or discuss on our program, please feel free to contact us. Okay. So I would like to get on with today's podcast and the topic for the discussion today is how organizations need to become more digital-centric for the 20 twenty's and to help us to gain some insights into this area, we have invited a very special guest, Jeremy Blaine, to share his knowledge, insights, and experience. So Jeremy, welcome to ultra executives. thank you for having me on the podcast, Paul.Its an absolute pleasure. Now listeners Jeremy is actually an award-winning business leader, futurist new era learning professional author and conference speaker is also the founder and CEO of performance works international. And He created his company because he knows that his experience, knowledge, and passion can help organizations and individuals face the ever-changing workplace and prepare them to be fit and ready for the future. Now, Jeremy has a wealth of international experience having worked in most major and developing markets across the globe. Did I miss anything important? Jeremy, is there anything else to add?

 No, no, but I think I will be hiring you as my public relations officer from now on. Paul, that was a great introduction. Thanks.Absolutely. My pleasure, Jeremy. Just to give a bit of context of what we're going to be talking about today. Um, you know, listen, as we live in an era of mass disruption and exponential change, every sector of business and all markets are being impacted by the fast pace of digitalization, mobilization, AI, and technology. And of course, along with all this where we're faced with ever-increasing competition, and also with customers demanding more value and customization to meet their specific needs. So Jeremy, I mean, you know, how do we tackle these issues and what advice and insight can you share?

Well, let me just go back, first of all, Paul, to a point that you make this sor