How To Start Something New

In this episode we talk about a few things that show you how to start something new. Whether it’s a career jump, a relationship, a new hobby, a change in your routine, WHO THE HECK KNOWS?! Well, you do! And I’m going to help you figure out the BEST way to take the first step and prepare yourself for what comes next.

There are so many factors at play when you make the decision to start something new. The fear of the unknown. That nagging crusty old voice in your head that says “that’ll never work.” And then the pressure of “if I don’t do it now, will I ever do it?” Of course sometimes the signals come through loud and clear that it’s time to make a change. In those lucky cases it’s not just about how to start something new, it’s about when. (Pro tip: It’s now. It’s definitely now.)

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