In this episode I’m going to walk you through the most popular podcast formats so that you can make a decision on the podcast format you will choose for your own show!

We’re going to be covering the following podcast formats:

Solo Shows: Perfect for entrepreneurs that want to elevate their expert status, by getting deep into topics that their potential clients want to hear about. Co-hosted: An awesome way to elevate your expert status, connect with your potential customers and build a community around your passions with a pal.Interviews: Perfect for expanding your audience reach and building your network while providing a lot of value for your audience. Documentary Style: If you love true crime podcasts, this style requires some serious editing chops, so be prepared to practice the fine art of audio editing!Fictional or Radio Play: Amazing for creatives that want to explore narrative content through audio! Video Podcast: Awesome for those that want to double up on their output by posting both to YouTube and all the podcast channels!Live Shows: Great for building your network and engaging with your audience!

There you have it! Check out the blog post that accompanies this episode for a very thorough review of the most popular podcast formats you might choose for your own podcast!

Which format are you leaning towards? Send me an email at [email protected] or DM me at @the_ultimatecreative on Instagram to let me know! I’d love to hear what you’re choosing, and why! 

And if you’re having a hard time choosing, you can even send me a voice memo and I will answer your question on an upcoming episode of Ultimate Podcast Marketing!


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