Today we are talking about the five essential things that you need for your creative business! And some of these might seem a little obvious but bear with me here… even the most obvious things are often completely skipped over! 

So here’s what we’re covering today:

A product or serviceA website & digital presencePolicies & processes Proper materials and toolsA basic understanding of bookkeeping and taxes

Check out Monique Bryan’s podcast The Juicy CEO for more about your digital presence 

Check out Melissa Houston’s podcast The Business Society for more on your business finances 

My amazing accountant can be found here if you’re in need of one! 

That’s all for now! If you liked this episode and want to hear more, make sure you follow me on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! You can also find me on TikTok and YouTube

If you’re interested in starting your own creative business, in the new year I’m launching an exclusive program to help you get started! It’s limited to 5 people and I’m developing this program RIGHT NOW! FOR YOU! So if you’re interested, click here to sign up for more info! 

Instagram: @the_ultimatecreative and @emily.milling