If you want discussions about Evil Dead and hot liquid food-stuffs, you may have the wrong show. We do talk about games though

The post BRB UK 350: Bruce Campbell Soup appeared first on Big Red Barrel.

Chaka Khan let me tell you what I wanna do… and that’s give you a lovely new episode of the Big Red Barrel UK Podcast.

Happy 350th episode chaps and chapettes! To celebrate another reminder that we’ve probably been doing this show too long, DanTim and Coleman have done another one.

On the topic block this week:

Epic offers Shenmue 3 refundsNi No Kuni sequel and Evil Dead game confirmedGrid and Cuphead’s DLC get delayedTim’s had a week of Sairento VR and the Spider-Man: Far From Home VR ExperienceColeman and Dan can’t get enough of Super Mario Maker 2

Thank you so much for your continued support, we truly couldn’t have kept going for this long without the best audience we could possibly wish for. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunesRSSSpotify or YouTube and stay up to date.

The post BRB UK 350: Bruce Campbell Soup appeared first on Big Red Barrel.

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