Although verbal communication only represents 7% of all our communication it is necessary to understand what attributes are most important to make that 7% as strong as possible.
Knowing what to say is half the battle, but knowing HOW to say it is the other half. Almost anyone with verbal ability can get their message across but to have the most impact with significant influence it takes a certain skill, practiced skill, to get it done.
Whether you're speaking to one person such as a friend, colleague, spouse, employer/employee or you're addressing a group of people in a boardroom, at a public event or anywhere else, there are words that may hinder your intended message causing others not to take you seriously.
Words of weakness refer to terms and words that make your message sound weak hence making you sound uncertain and not serious. 
When you master the art of certainty you will be seen as a stronger leader and influencer, which will make you more impactful with your message.
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