David Cage's Detroit: Become Human has become something of a bad joke among those who have experienced it due to its nonsensical twists and poor handling of the idea of the Civil Rights Movement.  Since the internet at large has spent more than their fair share of time beating it down, we felt like comparing it to another cop story that deals with the subject of racial inequality by also discussing the first season of David Simon's 2002-2008 HBO Drama The Wire. 

We also talk in detail about the concept of Sensitivity Editors and other ideas to bring more grounding to your work and iron out problems you may not think you had.

Media Discussed:

Mother's Basement - Detroit: Become Human Super Best Friends Play Detroit: Become Human David Cage on Domestic Violence Show Me a Hero Craig Froehle - The Evolution of the Fence Comic City Beautiful - Why did we build high-rise housing projects?


The Drunk and Ugly Travis Matt

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