Althea Branton is a Relationship Transition Coach.

She helps ambitious women decide whether or not to end a relationship... after all, you don’t have to stay in a relationship that no longer serves you.

She knows heartbreak like LeBron James knows basketball. She also knows that it's possible to wake up one morning and feel complete freedom from the pain.

She's a Super mummy to a beautiful boy.

In today’s episode, Althea explains a few things pertaining to relationships. 

Why it’s important to avoid rushing into new relationships.  How to avoid societal pressure when it comes to dating.  Acknowledging the bad in people to make better decisions. 

Once upon a time, she was a track & field champion, adores British TV and is a self-proclaimed foodie.
Althea can read over 1000 words per minute - her parents had her tested.

Book a free Clarity Session with me at 


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Althea Branton is a Relationship Transition Coach.

She helps ambitious women decide whether or not to end a relationship... after all, you don’t have to stay in a relationship that no longer serves you.

She knows heartbreak like LeBron James knows basketball. She also knows that it's possible to wake up one morning and feel complete freedom from the pain.

She's a Super mummy to a beautiful boy.

In today’s episode, Althea explains a few things pertaining to relationships. 

Why it’s important to avoid rushing into new relationships.  How to avoid societal pressure when it comes to dating.  Acknowledging the bad in people to make better decisions. 

Once upon a time, she was a track & field champion, adores British TV and is a self-proclaimed foodie. Althea can read over 1000 words per minute - her parents had her tested.

Book a free Clarity Session with me at  InstagramEmail   


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