Scott Wolter will read for the first time anywhere never before revealed text from confirmed ancient Knights Templar documents that the Vatican doesn't want you to hear! 

How about a partial copy of "The Book of the Wars of the Lord"!  with a passage describing a" Silver beasts that descends from the clouds" and electrocutes everything via to win a battle?

Confirmation of the marriage certificate of Jesus "Our Lord" and Mary Magdalene that the Vatican admits to having in their possession, and will NEVER release to the public!

Ancient Scottish sites being unearthed by Scott and Hayley right now in 2021!  Along with many piles of sheep dung. :)

The Holy Grail! The truth behind the Da Vinci code!

Midewiwin Native American Freemasons, Scottish Rite, SRICF, Knights Templar, Akhenaten, Astronomy, The founding fathers of America and SO much more! 

Scott F. Wolter 

Forensic geologist and television host. He is known best as the host of the series "America Unearthed". President of American Petrographic Services and the inventor of Archaeopetrography (a process used to date and understand the origins of inscribed stone artifacts). In addition to investigating and dating ancient artifacts, Wolter was involved in analyzing fire damage to the concrete at the Pentagon after the September 11th terrorist attacks and has even helped the Las Vegas police investigate a homicide where a victim was found buried in concrete. His first television appearance was as a Kensington rune stone expert on the documentary “Holy Grail in America,” which indirectly resulted in Wolter hosting “America Unearthed.” Wolter is the author of several books on geology, the Knights Templar and theories related to pre-Columbian contact.

Hayley A. Ramsey 

An Archaeologist, author & global explorer. Her main areas of interest include archeoastronomy, ancient Goddess lore, ancient megalithic sites and pre-Columbian contact. She has been all over the globe to and is a member of the New England Antiquities Research Association and the World Explorers Club. Currently she is working on an archaeological project connecting ancient sites across the U.S. and her Scotland tour company's upcoming 2022 tour.

Scott F. Wolter

Twitter - @RealScottWolter

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Hayley A. Ramsey

Twitter - @HayleyARamsey1

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email - [email protected]

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