Meryem Arpaci; Brand Consultant, Motivational Speaker, and 3x Award Winner for Forbes ‘Top 50 Performer’.

Today’s Episode Summary:

Today’s guest, Meryem Arpaci, is a successful entrepreneur who was born in a culture where due to some cultural influences she grew up as a shy and sensitive kid. While growing up she had no self-belief and self-confidence but in her 5th grade a teacher came in her life that transformed her life and converted her into a super confident person.

Later on in life, when Meryem was struggling with the purpose of her life, she went through the process of self-actualization and self-discovery and ultimately found the true purpose of her life. Now, as a master of self-discovery, she motivates people, inspires them, and helps them to find their potential and true self. She counsels people to build self-acceptance, self-belief, and self-confidence. Along with that, she is a dedicated and hard-working entrepreneur who is helping other entrepreneurs to grow their brands.

Today Meryem is sharing with us her life story and also talking about the importance of self-belief, self-confidence, and finding the purpose of life. She says that when someone believes in you or encourages you to believe in yourself it becomes very easy to build confidence and belief in your own self. And when you have self-acceptance, self-belief, and self-confidence then you really don’t care what people think about you and you don’t allow their interference into your life and you focus on discovering the true purpose of your life. And when you discover and define the true purpose of your life then you set yourself on the road of creating an impact.

Moreover, Meryem is talking about the role of affirmations in manifesting your goals. She explains that when you start writing affirmations, and you keep doing that regularly, all of a sudden you start to believe them and you start to act according to them. Meryem says that “when you write affirmations, you write your own destiny because you become what you write.”

Also, when you say “I AM”, these 2 words are so strong and powerful that whatever you put in front of these 2 words becomes your reality. These 2 words have the power to make anything happen because the way we talk about ourselves has a massive impact on how we feel and who we become. When we say positive things to ourselves, it builds self-confidence and courage in us to try new things and become better.

Affirmations also help you a lot with your mental health and give you mental clarity. Moreover, to manifest your goals you also should regularly invest your time and energy on your spiritual and emotional health along with your mental health.

Meryem is explaining all that information in detail, so tune in and enjoy this amazing podcast till the end.

What You Will Learn from this Episode:

What happened to Meryem in her childhood that she lost self-confidence and how she regained confidence back in her life? Meryem’s entrepreneurial journey: from being a struggling entrepreneur to grabbing a wonderful opportunity. What Meryem learned from her life and what's her purpose and mission. How she is helping people with their brands and their life?

Apart from Meryem’s story, you will learn Meryem’s point of view on the following topics:

What makes a person shy and sensitive? What happens when someone believes in you more than you believe in yourself? Importance of self-discovery and finding your purpose and passion of life. How you can build self-confidence and self-belief? Why you should stop judging yourself? What is the benefit of connecting and communicating with people on clubhouse app? How you can authentically inspire others and create an impact? Clubhouse vs. Social Media. How Meryem is helping people to build self-confidence and self-belief. Importance of being aware of the opportunities and grabbing them when you find them. Why you should make your presence online? What to do if you don't have the confidence to put your content online? What lack of self-confidence does to you? Why you should prioritize customer experience and how you can do that? Importance of company culture, hiring the right people, etc. Importance of having personal experience before providing any service? Importance of being master of your product and selling it with full conviction. Value of money vs. creating an impact.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:00]– Introduction of today’s guest, Meryem Arpaci.

[01:25]- Achievements of Meryem.

[02:28]- Childhood of Meryem: From being a confident kid to becoming a shy and sensitive kid.

[10:00]- How Meryem regained confidence back in her life?

[11:18]- When someone believes in you more than you believe in yourself.

[14:03]- Meryem’s life mission.

[15:23]- Having self-acceptance and not judging own self.

 [20:33]- Meryem struggling with the purpose of her life.

[26:02]- Benefit of connecting and communicating with people on clubhouse app.

[31:48]- Meryem teaching people self-confidence and self-belief.

[33:34]- The best part of the podcast. Listen to it if you want to create an impact.

[34:15]- Clubhouse vs. Social Media.

[35:54]- Meryem’s passion to inspire people and what she is doing to exercise it.

[37:37]- Where she lives.

[38:24]- Meryem’s favorite place in the whole world.

[40:00]- How she is helping people in building self-confidence.

[44:12]- Meryem’s entrepreneurial journey: from being a struggling entrepreneur to grabbing a wonderful opportunity.

[51:16]- Being aware of the opportunities and grabbing them when you find them.

[52:40]- Making presence on Clubhouse, Instagram, and YouTube.

[56:30]- Listen to this if you don't have the confidence to put your content online.

[1:00:00]- Customer experience, company culture, hiring right people.

[1:05:39]- Be a master of your product and sell it with full conviction.

[1:08:43]- Focusing on making money vs. Focusing on creating an impact.

[1:10:36]- Visualization is like playing golf.

[1:11:40]- Power of affirmations.

[1:14:58]- Power of the 2 words “I AM”.

[1:17:50]- How to change cracking mood.

[1:19:09]- Last piece of advice from Meryem: “Learn, apply, and keep repeating the process regularly”.

[1:19:49]- How Tony Robin’s events benefited Meryem.

[1:23:19]- Meryem’s contact detail and how she can help you with your brand.

Golden Nuggets from Episode:

We all are mirrors to each other and we all can inspire each other in the littlest way. –Meryem Arpaci When you stop judging yourself and worrying about “what people think” you stop judging others as well. And by doing so, you can just hold a loving, safe, and powerful space for them to grow as well as you growing. –Meryem Arpaci Anyone can do anything. You just have to make a decision to do that. –Corey Berrier Sensitivity is incredible because you become more intuitive and connect with people and understand them better. –Meryem Arpaci Sometimes when we don’t believe in ourselves, we have to borrow someone else’s belief in us. –Corey Berrier We may not be the one person who changes the world -we may be, but we may not be-but we could change the life of someone else who actually is going to impact the world…It’s all connected..And when you take the self out of it, and you don’t make it about you, and you don’t have ego there, and you genuinely want to help people, it’s just so powerful…. And people feel it, people see it. When they see the real person, they are attracted to it…It’s an incredible magnetism. –Meryem Arpaci Lack of self-confidence holds you back and it does not allow you to take action. However, Self-confidence and self-belief change your life. –Meryem Arpaci


Mareyum’s Website & Social Media Handles:


Instagram:  @meryem_arpaci_


Corey Berrier’s Website & Social Media Handles:


Facebook:  @Corey Berrier

Instagram:  @coreyberrier


Twitter: @ successfullifepodcast

Linkedin:  Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

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