This week we’ve been teaching kids to program, tinkering with GNOME and Microsoft released Windows 10 S. Intel have a security vulnerability in it’s Active Management Technology and Google have EOL’d all their Nexus devices. It’s Season Ten Episode Nine… Read more ›

This week we’ve been teaching kids to program, tinkering with GNOME and Microsoft released Windows 10 S. Intel have a security vulnerability in it’s Active Management Technology and Google have EOL’d all their Nexus devices.

It’s Season Ten Episode Nine of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Martin Wimpress and Joey Sneddon are connected and speaking to your brain.

In this week’s show:

We discuss what we’ve been upto recently:

Mark has been teaching kids to program with the BBC micro:bit.
Joey has been playing with GNOME.

We discuss the news:

Microsoft has announced Windows 10 S and new Surface Laptop
There’s a security vulnerability in Intel’s Active Management Technology
Google EOL all nexus devices

We discuss the community news:

Ubuntu 12.04 is dead Jim
Ubuntu Budgie Publishes Financial Statement
Oliver Grawert wrote a how-to
Ubuntu GNOME proposed dropping 32-bit support after
OpenSpades Snap – pew pew

We mention some events:

Ohio LinuxFest: 29th to 30th of September – Columbus, Ohio, USA.

This weeks cover image is taken from Wikimedia.

That’s all for this week! If there’s a topic you’d like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] or Tweet us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our Google+ page or comment on our sub-Reddit.

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