It’s Episode Twenty-eight of Season Eight of the Ubuntu Podcast! Mark Johnson is back with Laura Cowen, Martin Wimpress, and Alan Pope! In this week’s show: We chat about backing up and reinstalling applications on different devices. We mention Aptik… Read more ›

It’s Episode Twenty-eight of Season Eight of the Ubuntu Podcast! Mark Johnson is back with Laura Cowen, Martin Wimpress, and Alan Pope!

In this week’s show:

We chat about backing up and reinstalling applications on different devices. We mention Aptik and Timeshift and Mackup.
We go over your feedback, including…

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The Unload Tab.

We have a command line love, from Nathanael Olander: Use screen -s ttyname to make using screen easier, :sessionname ttyname if you forget initially, screen -r tty if you have an attached tty that isn’t actually in use that you need to use. Though we mention byobu too…
We chat about how to re-enable GPU acceleration in Chrome, learning Java again, moving /boot and / partitions to somewhere else, and Open Media Vault for Network Attached Storage (NAS).

That’s all for this week, please send your comments and suggestions to: [email protected]

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