Previous Episode: S08E21 – United Passions
Next Episode: S08E23 – Glitter

It’s Episode Twenty-two of Season Eight of the Ubuntu Podcast! Mark Johnson, Laura Cowen, Martin Wimpress, and Alan Pope are all together again! In this week’s show: We go through the the results of what happened when Laura asked what… Read more ›

It’s Episode Twenty-two of Season Eight of the Ubuntu Podcast! Mark Johnson, Laura Cowen, Martin Wimpress, and Alan Pope are all together again!

In this week’s show:

We go through the the results of what happened when Laura asked what you wanted testing on the Ubuntu Phone…

Right, what would you like me to try on the MX4 #UbuntuPhone? Apps? Use cases? Connectivity? Give me a list and I'll try this wk/wkend.

— Laura Cowen (@lauracowen) July 13, 2015

You can see what’s in the Ubuntu Store on this unofficial website if you’re curious.

Laura refused to touch anything that required fiddling with a terminal (it took long enough to test all this as it was!) but here’s the answer to how to sync your contacts without Google for now.

We go over your feedback.
We have a command line love, Facebook pathpicker sent in by Stuart Ward.
We chat about going on holiday to Portugal, getting a talk accepted at DevRelCon 2015, playing with the Xposed Framework, and doing jury service.

That’s all for this week, please send your comments and suggestions to: [email protected]

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