Around 9 million Indonesians live and work overseas, along with countless descendants of Indonesian migrants. Our panel of orang Indonesia living in diaspora recounted their personal experiences of what it means to …

The post UWRF19 Podcast | Indonesian, Elsewhere appeared first on Ubud Writers & Readers Festival.

Around 9 million Indonesians live and work overseas, along with countless descendants of Indonesian migrants. Our panel of orang Indonesia living in diaspora recounted their personal experiences of what it means to be Indonesian elsewhere.

Featuring Ketut Yuliarsa, Cynthia Dewi Oka, Michelle Tanmizi, Innosanto Nagara, and Laksmi Pamuntjak.

You can also listen to our podcasts on Spotify and Apple Music!

The post UWRF19 Podcast | Indonesian, Elsewhere appeared first on Ubud Writers & Readers Festival.