Today’s podcast topic is “Belief”.  A lot of times in life, a portion of the difference between who’s successful and who fails comes down to belief.  The same rings true for who goes to heaven versus hell.  You believe God sent Jesus to die for our sins in your heart and you fill convicted to ask for forgiveness then have a spot in heaven.  You refuse to believe Jesus is who the bible says he was, and you go to hell.  If you believe you won’t do well on a job, on a date, or on a field then your chance of failure increases because you see yourself failing more than succeeding.  Anything you do you must first imagine.  Your body doesn’t know whether the image in your mind happened in real life or not.  Our inability to believe in others, ourselves, and God impacts our lives more than we realize.  In fact, sometimes our arrogant belief in our own talent and skill over God gets us in trouble and disappointed.