Previous Episode: Episode 18 - Loneliness
Next Episode: Episode 20 - Obedience

     Today’s podcast topic is “Empathy”.  As humans we do a pretty good job thinking of ourselves first.  We have things like social media that are built on the image we create for the world whether its real or not.  We throw hashtags left and right like haymakers anytime a tragedy happens without actually praying for the victims and or taking meaningful action.  The way others are treated as often based on how much value they can bring to something we care about.  Folks can’t wait for someone to make it big so that they can search their social media and pasts for things they’ve stated when they were less mature that will cause harm to their success and image.  We are swift and happy to cancel someone and to say hateful things to people we disagree with and or that are different than us.  However, when it comes empathy and mercy, we except God to understand our mistakes.  We expect others to give us breaks and the benefit of the doubt even when we don’t deserve it.  Yet, we don’t consistently provide empathy to others and try to consider things from their point of view.  Today we touch on empathy was applied in the bible.