Type 40 • A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 100: Dawn of the Doctor with Ian McLachlan

Time for the 100th edition of our popular Doctor Who podcast! With hosts Sarah Graham, Simon Horton and Dan Hadley presenting this special show that ticks off one of our longest standing bucket-list topics at Type 40…

Writer and Telefantasy expert, Ian McLachlan has spent decades following the wanderings of the Doctor, on our television screens. As well as publishing articles exploring the series history and interviewing its biggest legends on stage at conventions. Now he’s answering the questions as our guest, in his own inimitable way on our celebratory show!

Ian’s one of the people in the world who’s in the position to say he’s seen everything; every single screened Doctor Who story on broadcast. His memories of growing up in the early 60’s may chime with received wisdom and all those retrospective documentaries? But maybe they won’t??

Find out when we speak about the very dawn of Doctor Who, with someone who was the target audience of the day. Taking in plenty wonderous other times and places since: to the present day with a man who’s grown up with this very special TV show.

Type 40 is a Doctor Who Podcast from The Spacebook for The Fandom Podcast Network. We know you’ll find the conversation presented as our 100th episode as fascinating as we did. Stream or download here:

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Read Ian McLachlan’s latest articles in the fanzine Whotopia

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