It’s been self-described as the premier Warrior Cats podcast, but when it comes down to it Cora’s never read them, and Thomas doesn’t exactly have perfect recall. There are so many things we are going to talk about later, and we just. can’t. handle. these names! Warnings for swearing, blasphemy (but not against StarClan), and a brief discussion of “the cutter”.

The book opens with Firepaw abandoning the only family he’s ever known to go live with some cats that just tried to beat him up (it turns out they only like him because of the color of his fur), and it just gets worse from there. He commits small-animal murder with glee, is bad at following the rules and suffers considerable bullying because he agreed to leave his home to hang with these cats in the first place. Will the suffering never end? Apparently not, because there are five more books in this series alone.