The Vault crew ( Luke and Jason Jaconetti – Chris Tyler and Honeywell) go back to camp with this HORROR RACK HANGER-ON – 1983’s SLEEPAWAY CAMP! If you thought M. Night Shamalamalamalama is the master of the twist ending – THEN YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THIS MOVIE! This movie has it [...]

The Vault crew ( Luke and Jason Jaconetti – Chris Tyler and Honeywell) go back to camp with this HORROR RACK HANGER-ON – 1983’s SLEEPAWAY CAMP! If you thought M. Night Shamalamalamalama is the master of the twist ending – THEN YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THIS MOVIE! This movie has it all – acting from a John Waters movie – unintentional (?) subtext, invisible bees AND invisible salt, multiple teenage Tony Danzas, negligent camp owners, teenage potty mouth and SECRETS – OH THE SECRETS!