A weekly podcast in which Mike Zummo chronicles the adventures of Superman in the movies and on TV.

In episode 33 of Man of Screen Extra, Mike Zummo returns to do another one of his “Shared Fandom” episodes as he and his daughter, Haley, start journeying through the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

So theyre starting this watch in somewhat of a chronological order as it started with “Captain Marvel”, which was a second viewing for both of them as they saw them both in the theory.

Mike will take you through the journey that continues through “Iron Man”, “Iron Man 2”, “The Incredible Hulk”, “Thor”, “Captain America: The First Avenger”, “The Avengers” and “Iron Man 3”, so basically Phase 1-ish.

Hell guide you through Haleys reactions to the films, what she liked, what she didnt like. Which films were her favorites? Which film did she not enjoy as much? The answers may surprise you. It certainly did him.

Next time: Thats undecided. Stay tuned to the Facebook page or Twitter for more information. Could be MCU Phase 2 or the annual Christmas episode.

Check out the homepage for the show.