Welcome to The OCADECAGONAGON! Home to the mysterious and talented OCADECAGONAGON PLAYERS!

Welcome to the premier of STRANGERS IN PARADISE an audio drama based on the groundbreaking comic by Terry Moore and brought to life by the OCADECAGONAGON PLAYERS!!

Adapted by Thomas Deja. Produced by Thomas Deja and Chris Honeywell. Sound Design by Chris Honeywell. Nicole Thomte – Franchine, Lauren A. Kennedy – Katchoo, Brad Oxnam – Freddie, Anna Crawford – Miss Beem, Eugene R. Hendricks and David Ellis – High School Actors, and Tabitha – the Cat. Music provided by Jim Moon and the Eldritch Light Orchestra. This is a fan work produced with the cooperation of Mr. Moore; done solely out of love for the property, we lay no claim to the rights or characters. Please read the original series and other works by Mr. Moore, available through abstractstudiocomics.com. This is an Ocadecagonagon Theater Works audio drama presented through the Two True Freaks Podcast Network. For more information and news on upcoming projects, please visit ocadecagonagon.blogspot.com.