In 2004, DC Comics released 'Countdown to Infinite Crisis," and set in motion a six-month buildup to what would be the most monumental crossover in recent DC history, Infinite Crisis. This May, that 'countdown" and buildup to Infinite Crisis is the topic for the annual JLMay crossover. It is "The Event Before The Event."

In this episode, I step in to take on the only miniseries from that time that you'd expect, which is The Return of Donna Troy. But in order for you to actually understand how and why Donna Troy is returning (and where she went in the first place, you need to know the answer to the age-old question ... "Who is Donna Troy?"

And trust me, the answer is complicated.

Join me as I look at Donna's origin and history through its most important phases--the swingin' '60s original Teen Titans, the Wolfman-Perez classics "Who is Donna Troy?" and "Who is Wonder Girl?", and even the Nineties where she was the victim of crossover shenanigans and John Byrne. And that's just a warm-up for my coverage of the four-issue miniseries that's written by Phil Jimenez, penciled by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (praised be his name) and inked by George Perez.

As always, check out the blog for show notes, and don't forget that you can email me at [email protected]!