In another intoxicating installment of Cocktails and Comics, John Hijatt and David Thompson are joined by the OG Byrneouts; Tim Elliott and Brian Hughes to drink the elixir of choice and talk about the world as it is. Well, maybe just how things are around the old US. We all give our thoughts on the events that happened in Washington DC .

Then there is discussion on books we wish we had bought when we had the chance and the books we wish we never sold. We also talk about the MCU, independent comics, do comic book creators deserve a bigger bite at the apple? Then there is a little talk about Dungeons and Dragons and a lotta talk about Star Trek Discovery (Beware SPOILERS!). We also have a fevered discussion on Ice Cube Variation!!! Well. . . not that fevered.

Warning: The first 30 plus minutes is a discussion about the events at the US Capitol on January 6th. Some political thought is discussed. If this is not your cup of tea, feel free to skip ahead to 35:40.

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