What's the last book you read?!!

With all the movies, comics, and tv channels out there, it seems more and more rare that people actually crack a book open nowadays. The Freaks know that there's nothing that can fire the imagination like a good book and that is what this episode is dedicated to... reading!!

No, this isn't a joke!!

Favorite books and authors, recommendations, rants.... it's a show The Freaks have been brewing for a while now, so here it is -- The Freaks' tribute to reading!


Did I also mention that Two True Freaks is THE BEST PODCAST EVER?

NOTE -- The Two True Freaks! now have a phone line where you can call and leave a completely inappropriate message - We just might use it on the show! It's 585-COP-LURE!! ( 1-585-267-5873 )

Feedback for this show can be sent to: [email protected]

Two True Freaks! is a proud member of BOTH the Comics Podcast Network (http://www.comicspodcasts.com/) and the League of Comic Book Podcasts (http://www.comicbooknoise.com/league/)!!

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THANK YOU for listening to Two True Freaks!!