Phase 3 is the next step in the return, as July 10 is the next date to remember, but the Two Man Forecheck presses on.  This week we talk about the security in the NHL with regard to its hub cities, as Las Vegas is speculated to be one of the two.  We break down scenarios and locations of where the other one (or both) should be held.  The NHL has released a list of the best to wear the number, and Chicago claims that 12 of those numbers belong to Blackhawks.  But is that the truth?  Reality tells us that maybe not, and we discuss who and how many are actually 'Hawks players.  Danny Wirtz, son of chairman Rocky Wirtz has been named interim president of Chicago, but how does this affect the team.  We give ample time to the discussion of how this will work out for them and other young execs around the league.  A Boston Bruin has tested positive (and then twice negative) for that which shall not be named, so how does this affect the team going forward.  Finally, Kevan Miller has been nominated for the Masterton Award for perseverance.  We talk about how it affects him and the team.  Lots to talk about, so give us a listen and share your opinions with us.  Enjoy the Show!