In this Halloween episode, the Mamas admit they share a brain (FYI, it’s kept in a jar in a mad scientist’s lab). How do they know they share a brain? Because they each picked a Middle Grade horror book from the same author without realizing it. Fortunately, they were creeped out in the best possible way by an author who’s the hottest new horror ticket in Chi-town. Plus, sinister cats! 

Book Chat:

Scritch Scratch by Lindsay Currie

What Lives in the Woods by Lindsay Currie

Pick 6: More scary books for your MG devil babies

The Thirteenth Cat by Mary Downing HahnRoot Magic by Eden RoyceThe Mothman’s Curse by Christine HayesNightbooks by J.A. WhiteSmall Spaces by Katherine ArdenDead Voices by Katherine Arden(Bonus) Dark Waters by Katherine Arden