The Mamas’ fantasies are flying in Episode 29 with two hot Middle Grade fantasy picks. Following the book chat, the Mamas share six more MG fantasies from their TBR Lists for 2021. So, if animals talk to you, you should listen in because you’re in good company, or at least not alone in your fantasy world!

 Book Chat:

The Hatmakers by Tamzin Merchant

The Mysterious Disappearance of Aiden S. (as told to his brother) by David Levithan


Pick 6: MG Fantasies from the Mamas 2021 TBR lists

The Raconteur’s Commonplace Book (A Greenglass House Story) by Kate MilfordThe Gilded Girl by Alyssa ColmanCece Rios and the Desert of Souls by Kaela RiveraDragons in a Bag by Zetta ElliotThe Anti-Book by Raphel SimonArlo Finch Series by John August