Colum Tyrrell is the man! A super funny stand up comedian, podcaster, and podcast guest Colum can be seen on some of the funniest podcasts that exists as well as being a regular at the most prestigious comedy clubs in New York City. And he’s an authentic from the motherland Irishman. We were lucky enough to get to sit down with the funniest man in every pub and bar and take him through the process of reaching enlightenment so that you can laugh your way to a higher consciousness. 


Colum is host of The Colum Tyrrell Podcast:


Colum Tyrrell Instagram:


Two Jacked Bros is the only comedy podcast that injects honest, unfiltered, and truly enlightening conversations into your soul. Sidney and Ansley truly believe that every personality type can achieve a higher consciousness without becoming unfunny soft-talking dorks about it.  If you like to laugh at inappropriate things but also think your sense of humor doesn’t exempt you from opening your chakras wether you know what a chakra is or not, then Two Jacked Bros is your vibe. Come join the Jacked Cult and balance your frequency with laughter.

Intro and Outro music by Circadian Clock:

To Listen or Watch:


Two Jacked Bros social media:




Ansley Social Media:


Sidney social media:





Ansley and Sidney are a heterosexual couple of 21 plus years and are raising their three bi-racial kids together. Sidney is stand up comedian, practitioner of jiu jitsu, and constantly fantasizes about stopping a a real life crime then saying something funny about it when interviewed by the news. Ansley is a Jiu Jitsu competitor that is constantly saying funny things and if she wasn’t such a jock she’d be one of those white chicks with dirty feet and a crystal collection. Together, they are the Two Jacked Bros! 


Each Guest gets the same 7 questions, with each question being associated with opening a different Chakra from he bottom up:


Root Chakra- How did you learn to overcome fear? 
Pelvis Chakra- Who, what, or where deserves an apology from you?
Gut Chakra- How do you overcome disappointment?
Heart Chakra- What have you learned from grief?
Throat Chakra- What if your favorite lie to tell?
Third Eye Chakra- What are two things you used to see as separate but now realize they are the same?
Crown Chakra- What is something you can’t give up and why?

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