Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22 years and six months in prison for the murder of George Floyd.

Change the orbit of earth and moon at 2:30 Louie Gohmert Representative (R-TX 1st District) since 2005

Rudy Giuliani NY Law License revoked: In his defense Giuliani says he wasn’t telling lies he was only repeating the misinformation that he had heard.

Biden on 2nd amendment

Nothing says “you can’t infringe upon my right to discriminate” like the catholic church, AKA the world wide pedophile protection agency, suing a major city (Philadelphia) against discrimination protections for child adoption rules. Taken all the way to the supreme court so the CSS can continue their centuries worth of discrimination.

Decided June 17, 2021

CSS holds the religious belief that marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. (but priest on child boy is just fine)

Fighting the "Don’t be a dick clause"

Ben Shapiro thinks crime should be banned

Nvidia 470 beta for Linux with dlss and Wayland support. Big big news in the Linux world.

Windows 11 released (June 24), Windows 10 supported until Dec 2025