The Gomers are back for their March Off-Season episode, and they have a lot of catching up to do.  Join them to hear how their months of running have gone, whether or not their yearly mottos are sticking, how Anthony’s holding up as a new Dad, how Steven’s holding up…

The Gomers are back for their March Off-Season episode, and they have a lot of catching up to do.  Join them to hear how their months of running have gone, whether or not their yearly mottos are sticking, how Anthony’s holding up as a new Dad, how Steven’s holding up in 2 feet of snow, and, most importantly, the Spring TV and movies they’re watching.

OK, that’s not true – the most important thing is the new Half Marathon they’re running, which will also be the focus of the upcoming Season 5:  The Red White and Boom! Half Marathon in Minneapolis on July 4th, 2012!

We need to buy some flag shorts…

Enjoy the podcast, and Happy Running!