Because they went unsurprisingly long in their Rogue One chat last episode, you get a THIRD Christmas Special!  There is some more Rogue One chat too. But mostly they guys present their annual holiday tradition: Gomers’ Favorite THIIIIIIIIINGS!  Some are technical, come are conceptual, some are spiritual, and one of…

Because they went unsurprisingly long in their Rogue One chat last episode, you get a THIRD Christmas Special!  There is some more Rogue One chat too.

But mostly they guys present their annual holiday tradition: Gomers’ Favorite THIIIIIIIIINGS!  Some are technical, come are conceptual, some are spiritual, and one of them is a toaster.

Plus, your holiday wish lists, a deep dive into that the score of one of our favorite Christmas movies, and the Gomers get theological.  See you next time, in the New Years special!  Happy Holidays, and Happy Running!