The one about Spotify Music for Podcasts, SEO updates by Tech Crunch and The Martian - TG16 

00:00:00 Introduction 

Here are your hosts, Roger and Pascal. 

00:01:04 In the News 

A selection of announcements and news releases from the world of marketing and technology that caught our attention. 

00:07:01 Content Spotlights 

ROGER: Spotify is now letting creators use any song from its massive music library in their podcasts. It and Anchor, the podcast publishing platform it acquired last year, have opened more than 600 million tracks to creators in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. 

PASCAL: Google launched a slew of search updates by Frederic Lardinois at Tech Crunch. Google has announced a number of improvements to its core search engine, with a strong focus on how the company is using AI to help its users. 

00:20:31 Marketing Tech and Apps  

ROGER: Revisiting Tec 

Prezi – video 

Open Broadcaster Software: 

PASCAL: it’s all about Chrome extensions Squoosh is a web-based browser app created by Google that reduces the file size of images while maintaining image quality Online Photo Editor lets you edit photos right in your browser with AI-powered tools for quick yet professional edits. 

00:31:52 This Week in History 

Our selection of historical events and anniversaries from the world of science, technology and popular culture. 

00:38:05 Creator Shout Outs 

Advita Patel ChartPR FCIPR with Jenni Field and Trudy Lewis | PODCAST: The Calm Edged Rebels podcast launch episode 

Ken Smith – Coffee is for Closers Podcast and author of Sales Lessons from the Masters. 

00:43:55 Film Marketing 

This week we talk about The Martian, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon. This film is significant for the pre-launch marketing which included video logs (vlogs) created by each actor – completely in character. 

About Two Geeks and A Marketing Podcast   

Hosted by the two geeks, Roger Edwards and Pascal Fintoni, to keep you up to date with the latest news, tech, content and...

The one about Spotify Music for Podcasts, SEO updates by Tech Crunch and The Martian - TG16 

00:00:00 Introduction 

Here are your hosts, Roger and Pascal. 

00:01:04 In the News 

A selection of announcements and news releases from the world of marketing and technology that caught our attention. 

00:07:01 Content Spotlights 

ROGER: Spotify is now letting creators use any song from its massive music library in their podcasts. It and Anchor, the podcast publishing platform it acquired last year, have opened more than 600 million tracks to creators in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. 

PASCAL: Google launched a slew of search updates by Frederic Lardinois at Tech Crunch. Google has announced a number of improvements to its core search engine, with a strong focus on how the company is using AI to help its users. 

00:20:31 Marketing Tech and Apps  

ROGER: Revisiting Tec 

Prezi – video 

Open Broadcaster Software: 

PASCAL: it’s all about Chrome extensions Squoosh is a web-based browser app created by Google that reduces the file size of images while maintaining image quality Online Photo Editor lets you edit photos right in your browser with AI-powered tools for quick yet professional edits. 

00:31:52 This Week in History 

Our selection of historical events and anniversaries from the world of science, technology and popular culture. 

00:38:05 Creator Shout Outs 

Advita Patel ChartPR FCIPR with Jenni Field and Trudy Lewis | PODCAST: The Calm Edged Rebels podcast launch episode 

Ken Smith – Coffee is for Closers Podcast and author of Sales Lessons from the Masters. 

00:43:55 Film Marketing 

This week we talk about The Martian, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon. This film is significant for the pre-launch marketing which included video logs (vlogs) created by each actor – completely in character. 

About Two Geeks and A Marketing Podcast   

Hosted by the two geeks, Roger Edwards and Pascal Fintoni, to keep you up to date with the latest news, tech, content and wisdom from the world of marketing. 

Roger is a man on a mission to keep marketing simple. He is the voice of the Marketing & Finance Podcast and the host of the RogVLOG series.  

Pascal is also on a mission to demystify digital marketing. He's the host of the Content Marketing Studio video podcast and many other video series. 

Every week we'll bring you the following segments. 

In the News. Content Spotlight Marketing Tech and Apps This Week in History Creator Shout Outs Film Marketing 

Please subscribe and leave comments and suggestions in the usual places. 

Watch the show on video:

Pascal Fintoni: 

Roger Edwards: