Richard’s latest publication, Books Do Furnish a Life (2021) is available among other places here:…81787633681.html

See also The Selfish Gene (1979); The Extended Phenotype (1982); Climbing Mount Improbable (1996); A Devil’s Chaplain (2003); The Ancestor’s Tale (2005); The God Delusion (2006) and many other works.

For a more complete list of Richard’s books:

Follow Richard on Twitter: @RichardDawkins

Further References

Jerry Coyne, Why Evolution Is True (2009)
Erik Hoel, The Revelations (2021)


4:16 Why more non-scientists should take pleasure in science writing
6:07 Why it is important for scientists to write clearly
14:35 Continuously updated virtual reality
16:33 The genetic book of the dead
20:09 The extended phenotype
25:04 Literature and poetry
27:58 Misconceptions of the gene’s eye view
33:13 Misinterpretations of evolutionary biology and of Dawkins’ own work in particular
35:48 Defying our genes
36:08 Anti-Darwinian ethics
37:20 Threats to the understanding of science
39:14 Dawkins’ gift for satire
44:29 Dawkins’ own favourite work