Ashok’s book can be found here:

His YouTube channel:

Follow Ashok on Twitter: @krishashok

Further References
Meher Mirza’s column in The Juggernaut - The Weight of Parsi Toddy (

2:54 Ashok reads the opening of chapter 2, “The Science of Spice” on coriander, supertasters
6:08 A scientific approach to writing about Indian food
13:07 Cooking rice: the science behind the folk wisdom
16:55 Why you should rely on heuristics, not recipes
22:58 Why Indian cookery is easier to improvise than French or Italian
25:16 The rise of restaurants and the industrialisation of cooking
27:25 Indian urban life post-independence and the difficulties of getting fresh ingredients
30:25 Heat
35:58 Alcohol
41:31 Authenticity
48:43 Advice for budding cooks who are intimidated by Indian cookery
54:07 The audience of Ashok’s book
01:02:58 I read from the introduction